You make a life and death difference when you participate in this mission as a donor or volunteer

Chevra means "friendship" and our goal is to help Jewish Ukrainian refugees in their time of need.  Everyone can participate in this work that is powered by kindness.

As people in the West began to hear of our work, they helped by sending food, clothing and medicine.  Most of this help came from people in England, Netherlands, Sweden, Germany and Switzerland.  As quickly as aid came in, the amount of people that approached us for help also increased.

Eventually, people in the US and Canada began to send help and others became part of the group of workers.  We are actively involved in many countries and go by different names in each country as laws regarding humanitarian organisations vary from country to country.

Chevra is the America entity for our international effort.  Some countries are "giving countries" while other countries are "receiving countries."  We have been so blessed and are so rich in North America and we have the ability to do much to alleviate the suffering and meet the needs of others.  Chevra's work is a way people can make a meaningful impact in the lives of many people in need.

"Whoever destroys a single life is considered by Scripture to have destroyed the whole world, and whoever saves a single life is considered by Scripture to have saved the whole world."  

BT Sanhedrin 37a

About Dr. Michael Schiffman

Dr. Michael Schiffman is the Executive Director of Chevra USA, a 501(c)3 organization based in the United States that provides food security to hundreds of displaced Ukrainian Jews, as well as relief aid to people of all faiths in the war-torn areas of the Former Soviet Union.

Dr. Schiffman was born in New York City to a traditional Jewish family. He completed his education with a BA from Arizona State University, and continued to his Masters and D.Min. He has served as executive director of Chevra for the past 20 years, making visits multiple times each year to the volunteers serving as Chevra's representatives in Eastern Europe and Ukraine and the individuals served by Chevra's outreach.

In addition to his charitable work, Dr. Schiffman serves Jewish communities as a sofer (repairs Torah scrolls). He served as a congregational leader and rabbi for multiple communities prior to serving Chevra full-time. He is a published author, a contributor to several publications, and an adjunct professor for graduate theological programs in Florida, Texas and Connecticut.  

When he has the opportunity, he enjoys the company of others.

 He travels frequently in the US as speaker about the situation in Ukraine, the power of kindness, and the work of Chevra.

This work is  not for us to do alone...

...those who join in the work with us are the heros, our donors and volunteers, are key to Chevra's sustainability and impact, and now...

we have created a way for you to be engaged at a deeper level!


Our work to lift up Ukrainian Jewish refugees is based on three core services

We help Jewish Ukrainian refugees find relief and a better life through immigration to Israel.  When you support Chevra at this level, you are creating a life-giving opportunity for refugees who limited options in Ukraine and opportunity to begin a life in the state of Israel.           


Sharing our message to the world about the situation in Ukraine and how people can become involved is our most important fund-raising method.  When you sponsor us to speak at your event, you magnify your support many times over and  accelerate our reach to people in need in the Ukraine.
food security
Our soup kitchens operate Monday through Friday, serving 13,000 meals per month totalling about 145,000 meals per year.  Your donation of $33 is enough to feed one person for a month.  When you are a regular monthly donor, you create food security where otherwise there is none.

"You turned my wailing into dancing;

    you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy,

that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent.

    Lord my God, I will praise you forever." Ps 30.11-12

"Our friends in Zhytomyr tell us this is the worst war they have been in since World War II."  

sign up for our weekly chevra 

power of kindness newsletter... 
...and be lifted up as you help others to live!


Chevra USA  P.O. Box 632214 Littleton, CO  80163-2214